The Conversation: Augmentation technologies are here but are people listening?
I recently was made aware of an article that popped up on The Conversation: Augmentation technologies are here but are people listening? Very interesting article, short and to the point, worth a read....
View ArticlePanel: Technoshock! The Promise and the Peril in a World Radically Changing...
This panel will be the closing panel at the Singularity Summit Australia. Chair: Peter Spinks Panelists: Marcus Hutter, Randal Koene, Meredith Doig Video of Panel: What excites you about the future?...
View ArticleVernor Vinge’s ‘First Word’ on the Singularity
An article in the January 1983 edition of OMNI Magazine titled ‘First Word’ by Vernor Vinge introduced the idea that the ever-accelerating evolution of computer intelligence itself might soon produce...
View ArticleSingularity Summit Australia – The Profound Future of Technology
“THE PROFOUND FUTURE OF TECHNOLOGY”; SINGULARITY SUMMIT AUSTRALIA 2012 AUGUST 18-19 Kaleide Theatre, RMIT UNIVERSITY What will tomorrow look like? Conventional wisdom often says that change is slow....
View ArticleStelarc – Augmented Arm – Singularity Summit Australia 2012
Ambidextrous Arm Augmented Reality experiment with different techniques for interactivity. Using Blender and Unity – that play together surprisingly well. This project kicked of as an engineering and...
View ArticleMark Pesce – Mid-Singular
“Mid-Singular” Mark Pesce is an inventor, writer, entrepreneur, educator and broadcaster. In 1994 Pesce co-invented VRML, a 3D interface to the World Wide Web. Pesce has written five books, including...
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